Welcome to the 2023/2024 CPCA Board of Directors!
Rakesh Patel, MD, CEO
Andrea Schwab-Galindo, CEO
Paulo Soares, CEO
David Lontok, CEO
Warren Brodine, President & CEO
Melissa Marshall, MD, Chief Strategy Officer
Asa Satariano, CEO
Julia Liou, MPH, CEO
Corinne Sanchez, President & CEO
Tory Starr, CEO
Al Ballesteros, CEO
Isabel Becerra, CEO
Doreen Bradshaw, Executive Director
Genevieve Filmardirossian, COO
Ben Flores, MPH, President & CEO
Jane Garcia, CEO
Franklin Gonzalez, Chief Administrative Officer
Britta Guerrero, CEO
Kerry Hydash, President & CEO
Karen Lauterbach, Director of Community Programs & Advocacy
Kevin Mattson, President & CEO
Louise McCarthy, President & CEO
Danielle Myers, MD, Director of Health Informatics
Andie Patterson, CEO
Tim Rine, Executive Director
Graciela Soto-Perez, CEO
Adel Syed, CEO
Pedro Toledo, Chief Administrative Officer
David B. Vliet, CEO
Christy Ward, CEO
Message from the CEO
As the leaves begin to change color here in the City of Trees, signaling a time of transition and making space for growth, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the remarkable journey we are on together. Our continued progress in ensuring community health centers are at the table when major health care policy is being developed in California is a testament to our unified voice and purpose as laid out in California Primary Care Association’s (CPCA) Strategic Plan.
2023 Annual Conference Showcases Innovation + Impact in Community Health
The California Primary Care Association (CPCA) welcomed 755 participants to its 2023 Annual Conference on October 12-13 at The Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles, CA. This year's conference theme "Innovation + Impact: Engaging Communities, Empowering Change” focused on cutting-edge, collaborative approaches to advancing and transforming community health.
The California Primary Care Association (CPCA) advocated and successfully secured a one-time state and federal $20 million investment for Medi-Cal health navigation services. This opportunity resulted in funding to community health centers (CHCs) and consortia for Medi-Cal outreach, enrollment, renewal, utilization, and troubleshooting efforts across California.
CPCA Advances a New Strategy to Increase Funding to Health Centers through a Ballot Initiative
Throughout 2023, CPCA has been working in partnership with a broad coalition of health care system leaders, including health plan leaders, across California to advocate for the reinstatement of a tax on Managed Care Organizations (MCO tax) and ensure that its revenues are dedicated to the Medi-Cal system. As a part of the Governor’s FY 2023/24 state budget, the MCO tax was renewed. Subsequent discussions between the Administration and the coalition led to a historic investment in Medi-Cal rate increases, along with $100 million dedicated to community health centers (CHCs) in this year’s budget.

SB 525 Implementation and Member Resources
On October 13, Governor Newsom signed into law Senate Bill (SB) 525. SB 525 establishes a minimum wage for covered health care employees working at or for covered health care facilities, including community health centers (CHCs).
CPCA Launches Statewide Civic Engagement Program
CPCA’s newly formed Civic Engagement and Community Affairs (CECA) department is off and running with the launch of the expanded My Vote. My Health.™ (MVMH), or Mi Voto. Mi Salud., initiative during CPCA’s Annual Conference. The initiative is geared to increase voter engagement for the 2024 election in low propensity Latino communities in six regions across the state: Orange County, Santa Clara County, Sonoma County, San Diego County, Fresno County, and Los Angeles County.
CPCA Staff Highlights: Growing, Serving and Building Community
Welcome to our New Staff!

Nurturing Collaboration: CPCA's Health Center Site Visit Program
California Primary Care Association (CPCA) has developed a Health Center Site Visit Program, which launched in August during National Health Center Week (August 6-12, 2023). The program kick-off included nearly 40 CPCA staff, who visited 19 member community health centers (CHCs) across California in just five days!
CPCA Responds to Hurricane Hilary
California community health centers (CHCs) continue to confront the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related events, most recently Hurricane Hilary’s landfall that was predicted to impact much of Southern California. The first-ever Tropical Storm Watch was issued for California, and on August 19th, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency for much of Southern California to support response and recovery efforts.
CPCA Advances Data Exchange Framework Preparedness in California's Community Health Centers
The California Primary Care Association’s (CPCA) commitment to improving health outcomes in the state’s most underserved areas is the key reason we support statewide, real-time data exchange between health and social service providers. CPCA continues to participate in state Data Exchange Framework (DxF) meetings to stay informed of the latest developments and updates.
CPCA to Celebrate 30 Years of Advancing Community Health in California!
Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of the California Primary Care Association (CPCA). Over the past three decades—including during the turbulent years of the COVID-19 pandemic—CPCA has been at the forefront of redefining health care delivery, providing support and collaborating with community health centers (CHCs) as they face new challenges.