Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Prop 35!

We’re thrilled to share that voters have overwhelmingly approved Proposition 35! This landmark measure will provide dedicated, ongoing funding for California’s Medi-Cal program. The initiative represents the most historic investment in the state’s health program that serves 15 million Californians, including half of all children, older adults, low-income families and persons with disabilities.

Prop 35 will address California’s most urgent health care priorities – without raising taxes on individuals – to protect and expand access to care from primary care and special care physicians, community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, family planning and mental health providers.

We could not have made this historic investment in California’s health care system without your support and the powerful stories shared by community health centers. Thank you to the regional consortia and health centers who showed collective strength and commitment throughout the campaign.

We are already hard at work on the implementation process and will be in continued contact with updates as we move forward. Stay tuned as we share the latest news and information through our website and Weekly Update e-newsletter. And once again, thank you for your support and your votes!

Implementation questions can be emailed to