CPCA’s New Member Engagement Site Visit Program 

California Primary Care Association (CPCA) has developed a Health Center Site Visit Program, which was launched in August during National Health Center Week (NHCW - August 6-12, 2023). The program kick-off includes 23 health center visits during NHCW, with continued outreach and visit coordination throughout the year. Through the program, CPCA aims to increase visibility of the community health center (CHC) impact in California and increase opportunities for CHCs to connect with CPCA staff, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and relationship-building.

The Site Visit Program will enable CPCA staff to witness firsthand the innovative approaches and best practices implemented by health center organizations across the state, serving as a source of inspiration and learning. The program will also allow CHCs to showcase the impact being made in their communities. Benefits to health centers participating in the program include: 

  1. Visibility and Recognition: Increased visibility within a network of healthcare professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders to share success stories, programs, and initiatives, further solidifying a health center’s reputation as a leader in the field.

  2. Collaboration and Networking: The Site Visit Program offers a unique opportunity for health centers to interact with CPCA’s knowledgeable and experienced staff. Building connections and fostering relationships lead to collaborative efforts, resource sharing, and potential partnerships to enhance the services provided by community health centers.

  3. Feedback and Support: CPCA staff consists of experts who can provide valuable feedback, suggestions, and insights tailored to a health center’s specific needs. They can help identify areas of improvement, share innovative strategies, and offer resources that can contribute to continued growth and success.

  4. Professional Development: Engaging with CPCA staff during the visit can expand the knowledge base of health center team members. They can learn from industry experts, gain insights into policy changes, and stay updated on emerging trends and best practices. This experience will contribute to professional development and enhance the overall capacity of the organization.

CPCA believes participation in the Health Center Site Visit Program will be mutually beneficial and contribute to the collective advancement of CHCs across California. If interested in hosting CPCA staff for a site visit or if questions arise, please email Elle Grant, Associate Director of Member Engagement, at egrant@cpca.org.