
Honoring 30 Years of Empowering Health Centers

As we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) this year, we are filled with gratitude for everyone who joined us in recognizing three decades of empowering community health centers in California.

Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Prop 35!

We’re thrilled to share that voters have overwhelmingly approved Proposition 35! This landmark measure will provide dedicated, ongoing funding for California’s Medi-Cal program. The initiative represents the most historic investment in the state’s health program that serves 15 million Californians, including half of all children, older adults, low-income families and persons with disabilities.


Membership Modernization 

In April, CPCA’s Board of Directors established three Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) tasked with developing strategic frameworks to set the direction of programmatic and advocacy activities CPCA provides to health centers across California. The TACs were targeted to three areas of impact: Membership Modernization, PPS, and Workforce.


Health Center Rate Audits: Preliminary Survey Analysis 

In August CPCA’s PPS Technical Advisory Committee led an effort to source data on the health center rate-setting and change in scope processes, with the goal of identifying any patterns in the audit data and developing best practices to help health centers in effectively navigating the rate setting and change processes. We received audit reports from health centers around the state, providing data from 45 health center rate change and rate setting submissions and audits.

Enhancing CPCA’s Workforce Portfolio: Workforce Advocacy and Policy Principles

Comprised of 12 members, including board members and representatives from clinics across various regions, the Workforce Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) brings together a diverse range of perspectives to ensure CPCA is strategic in maximizing its resources to support initiatives that address clinic workforce challenges.


2024 Annual Conference: Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Future 

This year, we honored our past, celebrated our future, and marked 30 years of empowering community health centers at CPCA’s Annual Conference at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento, CA. This event united over 850 healthcare leaders, providing a platform to share insights, skills, and strategies that health centers can use every day.


CPCA On the Road

CPCA continued its focus on member outreach this last quarter with incredibly successful health center site tours throughout California during National Health Center Week (NHCW) and beyond. This quarter, CPCA staff visited 29 health centers, with 17 of those visits taking place between August 4-10 during NHCW. Over 40 CPCA staff participated in the NHCW site tours, greeting old friends and making new ones. We witnessed new sites being unveiled, past and present health center leadership being honored, and communities being celebrated and served.

CPCA’s HP-ET Workforce Activities

CPCA is committed to strengthening workforce diversity as a core pillar of its strategic plan, aiming to establish community health centers (CHCs) as employers of choice and community economic engines. As we continue to expand our scope and understanding, one thing is clear – the workforce shortages impact every discipline and almost every profession.

CPCA’s Cohort Programs: Building Leadership and Community in Healthcare

As community health centers (CHCs) navigate an ever-changing healthcare landscape, CPCA’s cohort programs are designed to provide not just education, but a shared experience among peers who are evolving leaders in the industry. Our cohort models foster collaboration, allowing participants to learn from each other’s real-world challenges and successes while building meaningful professional relationships.

CPCA Staff Highlights

Bubble Run Fun for a Cause

This past September, CPCA staff teamed up to have some fun at the Bubble Run in Sacramento. Proceeds from the event were contributed to research, funding, and treatment to families that are battling childhood cancer and terminal illness. Thank you to CPCA’s Staff Voices for Organizational Improvement (SVOI) Committee for organizing the CPCA team which included staff, family and friends. Despite the heat, a silly, sudsy time was had by all!