
Civic Health Month

August marks Civic Health Month – a time dedicated to emphasizing the relationship between voting and health. Nationally, August is an opportunity to celebrate, educate, and enhance the civic health and well-being of communities. Civic Health Month highlights initiatives that ensure all voters can contribute to their community’s health by participating in the electoral process.

Yes on Prop 35

This year, CPCA is at the forefront of the fight to protect funding for our health care system on November 5th – Election Day. In partnership with a coalition of health care providers, physicians, Planned Parenthood, health plans, and emergency responders, we have placed Proposition 35 on the November ballot. This will permanently expand Medi-Cal funding. Proposition 35 will address our most urgent health care priorities by securing dedicated, ongoing funding to protect and expand patient access to care at community health centers (CHCs). This initiative will focus on increasing primary and specialty care appointment availability for your patients.


CPCA Medi-Cal Health Navigator Project Relaunches After Strong Advocacy Win 

On June 29, 2024, Governor Newsom signed the Fiscal Year 2024-25 state budget, which restored full funding for the CPCA Medi-Cal Health Enrollment Navigators Project. Community health centers, consortia, CPCA, and our allies came together to advocate and create a 180-degree turn after the Governor proposed to eliminate funding for the Project in the May Revise.


APM Launches Cohort 1 

Since 2016, CPCA has been collaborating on building an alternative payment model (APM) to support the delivery of value-based care in safety net clinics. Almost a decade later, we are pleased to announce the APM launched on July 1, 2024. With the hard work and partnership of community health centers (CHCs), statewide clinic and managed care plan associations, and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), we are further along this development than at any other point in California’s history and that deserves recognition and celebration.

CPCA Partners with UCSF on Dyadic Care

CPCA is excited to announce a new project in partnership with the University of California, San Francisco’s (UCSF) Dyadic Technical Assistance Center. This project is funded by the Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, which seeks to develop and implement a dyadic care evidence-based practice in California’s community health centers.


Protecting Health Centers and Patients
through Regulatory Advocacy

Once a bill is signed into law, many of the implementation details are set in place through regulations. To ensure successful implementation for community health centers (CHCs) and patients, CPCA actively engages with state and federal departments through comment letters, regulatory activities, and educational materials to influence how regulations are drafted, interpreted, or implemented.


From Analysis to Action: CPCA’s Emergency Management Training and Climate Resilience Efforts

Communities across California face growing impacts from climate-related and other emergencies of increasing frequency and scale, highlighting the crucial role of emergency management in community health center (CHC) operations. CPCA is dedicated to supporting CHCs in building organizational resiliency through comprehensive training, resources, and operational flexibility to maintain services during and after such events.

CPCA Staff Highlights

Celebrating Staff During our Anniversary Year
CPCA Olympics
California State Fair

Welcome to Our New Team Members!
Melissa Marshall, M.D.
- Amy Moore
- Pablo Mora

PHMI Regional CHC Learning Session

Central Valley Health Network The Population Health Management Initiative (PHMI) is a California collaboration between the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Kaiser Permanente, and Community Health Centers (CHCs).

On June 25, more than 40 representatives from Clinica Sierra Vista, Community Medical Centers, Golden Valley Health Centers, OMNI Family Health, Central Valley Health Network (CVHN), DHCS, and the PHMI Program Office came together for a day-long regional learning session designed to build a community of peers, identify promising practices, and emerging challenges within their population health management journeys.